Mid-season message from the chairman
Things are really moving on with the new pavilion which is already looking great and we hope to have the keys shortly.
We have received the grant from Mid-Suffolk District Council towards the costs and we are grateful for their support. Earl Stonham Parish Council and The Earl Stonham Trust have also supported the project and we thank them, too.
We are planning to open the pavilion officially on the day of the President’s Game on Sunday, August 28th. We hope to have a lot of people at the ground for this event. Please join us if you can. Further details to follow.
On the field results have been mixed with some good wins and a few defeats for both Saturday and Sunday sides. Both teams currently sit in mid-table.
Harry Wrinch leads the honours list for the season with our first-ever Two Counties century and Charlie Tunstall has been among the wickets, although currently he is out of action following a back operation.
Trevor Spall, Hon. Chairman